Homepage of Lars Kastner

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I am a postdoc at the Institute of Mathematics of the Technical University in Berlin. I am a member of the discrete geometry group of Michael Joswig.

Office: Strasse des 17. Juni 136, Room 626
e-mail: kastner[at]domain
where domain = math[dot]tu[minus]berlin[dot]de

On this website you can find my

About me

I am making computer experiments from mathematics and related areas FAIR. This involves developing guidelines for such computer experiments and establishing new data formats.

Furthermore I am a developer of

I love clean code and TDD. I have been part of and organized several workshops and refactoring sprints.

My mathematical interests lie at the intersection of Combinatorics with Algebraic Geometry and Commutative algebra. I wrote my thesis in the area of toric geometry and commutative algebra. Furthermore I like tropical geometry and T-varieties, i.e. varieties with an action by a lower dimensional torus.

Curriculum vitae




My github username is lkastner. I have contributed to the following software projects: